All About Pranic Healing

All About Pranic Healing

Pranic healing is a well-developed and tested energy system. This treatment uses prana for balancing, harmonizing, and transforming the energy processes of one’s body. In Sanskrit, the word ‘’Prana’’ means life force. This invisible energy keeps us alive. Plus, it also ensures good health for us. The Japanese call this energy Ki and Chinese Chi in the process of acupuncture. There are many benefits of pranic healing to consider. Today’s guide will acquaint you with all these facts back-to-back.

Pranic healing

Pranic healing is a powerful yet simple method of non-touch energy healing. It is based on the idea that our body is an auto-repairing structure. So, the body can heal itself naturally.

The only way to do so is by increasing the vital energy or life force within us. Hence, the procedure focuses on healing the affected parts of the body. If done properly, there are many benefits of pranic healing to expect instead.

How does it work?

Pranic healing is mainly applied over the bio-electromagnetic field. It is also known as the energy body or aura. This field is a blueprint or mould that surrounds the physical body and interpenetrates it.

Gradually, the bodily ailments appear as energetic disruptions within the energy body or aura. After that, they manifest within the physical body as real-life diseases.

Two vital principles of pranic healing

Pranic healing mainly focuses on the healing of the physical body by enhancing our life force optimally. Since pranic healing is a non-touch therapy, it is based on two main principles. These include energizing and cleansing. Energizing means adding life energy or prana to the affected part. On the other end, cleansing means removing the ailing energy from the incorporeal body.

1. Cleansing is essential

Cleansing is an essential part of Pranic Healing. This is because it removes the diseased energy from the affected area or the entire body. It also eliminates any blockages within the energy channel.

This invisible energy is now ready to receive the new life force or prana from the healer. So, effective cleansing should be done before energizing the non-physical body. Otherwise, it will only increase the discomfort in the physical body.

2. Pranic healing areas

There is no fixed set of diseases that pranic healing can cure. In general, are you suffering from ailments like muscular-skeletal disorders (back pain, osteoporosis, Arthritis, etc.), asthma, or cardiac diseases? Then, pranic healing is the way to go. Besides, pranic healing also focuses on areas like:

  1.  Depression
  2. Addiction
  3. Psychological Issues
  4. Emotional Problems
  5. Stress-related Issues
  6. Gastrointestinal Diseases
  7. Migraine and
  8. Cancer etc

So, if you are suffering from any of these conditions, choose a session of pranic healing today. Rest assured that you will get rid of your ailment forever and ever.

Benefits of Pranic Healing

These benefits of pranic healing are worth considering.

1. Increases Intelligence

Pranic healing balances our upper chakra effectively. This brings our mind, body, and soul to a state of equilibrium. As a result, we can unleash the maximum potential in us.

2. Treats Mental Ailments

In modern-day life, depression and stress have become the two most common mental ailments. Pranic healing can cure these mental diseases effectively. It does so by adjusting our heart chakra which creates happiness and joy in our life. Lack of this happiness leads us into a state of inexplicable despair. It can be in the form of stress or depression.

3. Treats Addiction

Nowadays, addiction has also become a common issue all over the world. Surprisingly, pranic healing can cure this condition as well. In most cases, people become inflicted by substance abuse or addiction due to poor emotional health. Pranic healing removes all the negative energies from one’s mind. As a result, the person becomes emotionally stable. This allows him or her to come out of their addiction easily.

4. A Spiritual Practice

If a person practices pranic healing daily, it cleanses his or her aura properly. In short, it removes all the negative vibrations from the person’s physical body. This allows the individual to reach a greater level of consciousness.

5. Treats Various Diseases

Our body has a natural protective mechanism called the immune system. It helps us fight against various diseases to get over them. Unfortunately, emotional stress can weaken this immune system like anything. As a result, our ability to combat these ailments also decreases to some degree. Thanks to pranic healing that strengthens our immunity favourably. This allows us to auto-recover from conditions like migraine, itching, pain, fever, etc.

Perpetual Healing with Pranic Healing!

Want to heal holistically from the inside? Then, get a session of pranic healing as fast as possible. This treatment will balance your mind, body, and soul perfectly. In return, you will attain a more invigorating and vivacious self. Plus, you will also get rid of the various unwanted diseases out there. To get the benefits of pranic healing above, reach out to Dr Harpawaan Kaur today!

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