How Can Pendulum Healing Be Effective?

How Can Pendulum Healing Be Effective?

Pendulums have been used in spiritual healing for quite some time now. It is a divination tool that heals your mind, body, and soul from the core. These days, pendulum healing has become a popular practice among spiritual healers and fortune-tellers. The best tarot card reader in Kolkata can align the energy centres and chakras of your body impeccably through pendulum healing. To know more about pendulum healing, read the post below.

A sneak peek into the pendulum healing

A pendulum is an object that has a chain or string of leather or metal. This string or chain remains attached to the pendulum and swings in a circular motion or to and fro. Besides, a pendulum can be made of various materials. These include metals, glass, wood, crystals, etc. Conventionally, the edge of the pendulum is blunt. It is responsible for bringing the body to a meditative condition. In pendulum healing, the pendulum detects an energy blockage in your body. The best tarot card reader in Kolkata can perform these treatments on you through pendulum healing:

  1. Grounding
  2. Clearing the energy blockage (chi) within the body
  3. Aura Cleansing and
  4. Chakra Balancing

The fact is pendulums locate any blockages within an individual’s chi or energy. With this tool, a pendulum healer can clear, heal and balance your body and mind. Furthermore, you will get answers to a lot of questions by perceiving the delicate vibrations around you. Since the pendulum moves towards the invisible energy about us, you can feel those vibrations quite intensely.

Pendulum for Chakra balancing

So, first of all, your spiritual healer will hold the pendulum on the seven chakras of your body. That’s how he or she will detect the hidden energy blocks or imbalance with those chakras. Most spiritual healers start with the crown chakra that is situated on the top of the head. Generally, your spiritual healer will hold the pendulum a couple of inches above the crown chakra. After some time, it will move automatically to identify the ultra-fine vibrations around you. Subsequently, your spiritual healer would move the pendulum to the rest of the chakras of your body. While doing that, he or she would pinpoint the direction in which the pendulum is swinging. This will give proper guidance to your current situation.

Choose the best pendulum

You will find pendulums of various colours, shapes, and sizes. However, choose the one that you consider the most feasible for yourself. You will feel that the moment you touch your pendulum. Hold the pendulum in your hands and close your eyes. Now, observe deeply the things you are feeling. Are you experiencing ultra-fine vibrations in your pendulum? Similarly, do you see some temperature alterations in it? If yes, then rest assured that you’ve chosen the right pendulum.

Ways of using a pendulum

So, you’ve picked the best pendulum for you. Now, it’s time for you to use it for the proper guidance. Here are some tips to do that.

1. Learn the pendulum movement

When you learn the movement of the pendulum, you know what is yes and what is no. So, find a quiet place and calm your mind down. After that take a few deep breaths to align your mind, body, and soul. Now hold the pendulum in the main hand with the top link or chain between your index finger and thumb. Then you will see the pendulum moving vertically, horizontally, or in circular motions. Accordingly, you will get a ‘’yes’’, ‘’no’’ or ‘’neutral’’ answer.

2. Clean your pendulum

Cleaning your pendulum is quite important. So, clean it with sage while being outside. Make sure you do it under a full moon. Soak your pendulum in sea salt if the crystal or material is salt and water friendly. Alternatively, you can just hold your pendulum under cold tap water. This will make your pendulum healing even more effective.

3. Prepare your questions

Ask multiple questions to your pendulum to get more insights and clarity into your unique situation. You may or may not get an answer to a question always. The pendulum will show you signs of this in a few ways. Either it can remain completely still or can move in a different direction altogether.

4. Ask familiar questions

Ask your pendulum questions the answers to which you already have. This will let you get your pendulum going no matter what. Suppose you can ask your pendulum ‘’do I live in so and so city? Also, you can ask your pendulum your name if you want. Doing so will help you connect with your pendulum and know its modes of communication. Plus, you can also learn about the directional swings of your pendulum through this tactic.

De-stress yourself with pendulum healing!

The technique of pendulum healing can do wonders for your health if used properly. Do you want to get the best session of pendulum healing in Kolkata? Then, feel free to contact Dr Harpawaan Kaur and experience Pendulum therapy at a different level.

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