The Science Behind Crystal Healing

The Science Behind Crystal Healing

The practise of crystal healing is an ancient one. Many ancient cultures such as the Mayans, Sumerians, and the Egyptians used crystals in their jewellery and buildings. Thus, it comes as no surprise that these people knew the power of crystals. Today, however, people have mostly forgotten about the healing powers of crystals. They only see it as a hoax. Many also perceive it as a crooked way to earn money. That, however, is not what crystal healing is all about. Interest in crystal healing has been on the rise for some time now. In this article, we will dig a little deeper and see the science of crystal healing. If you belong to the camp of non-believers, you might want to give this a read.

How Does Crystal Healing Work?

It is called pseudo-science since no one has been categorically able to say how crystals work or heal. People have suggested the basis of vibrational resonance and the human body’s crystalline content. You might be persuaded if we put it another way. It is now scientifically proven that the basis of all things on the Earth is energy, right? We now know the structure of atoms and we also know about the vast amount of energy that is trapped within them. Everything that we can see is built of atoms and thus, contains energy and vibrates.

Energy, Crystals and Us

The crystals also possess energy. This is why scientists have harnessed it for things such as timekeeping (the small quartz crystals in your watch) or creating electronic components for your smartphone and computer. Thus, you might be unaware but you are surrounded by the scientific applications of the energy that crystals possess.

The human body works similarly. Even though you cannot see them with your naked eyes, the cells in your body and the crystals share a common energy. The conductive energy system of your body has crystalline structures in and around lymph, cells, and blood. A complex electrochemical system runs the entire process. However, there is a simple word for it. We call it vibrations. This is not just true for the physical and the physiological process. human psychology is also affected by vibrations. Researchers have pointed out that your thoughts, emotions, and feelings – all possess their own vibrations. During periods of stress, the crystal lattice in your body can be distorted.

Entrainment and Resonance

The science of crystal healing says that they restore equilibrium by using entrainment and resonance. It sounds heavy but it is not a tough concept to grasp. Entrainment is when one subject is entrapped by another. When one object adapts to be in sync or rhythm with another, it is also known as entrainment behaviour. However, crystals can also heal from a distance. Many believe that crystals should have physical contact with you for best results. Others, however, believe that intentions and consciousness also link the crystal with the person. They believe that the healer’s and the recipient’s brainwaves can be in tune for the crystals to heal.

Crystal Healing: Types and Application

Many pharmaceutical companies use the healing power of crystals in order to make medicines. The minerals these crystals possess are ground for the same purpose. Despite this, we are yet to have standardized use of crystals for healing.

You can use crystals for everything starting from migraines to anxiety and more. As I have already mentioned above, crystals have energies. These energies are responsible for aligning the 7 chakras of your body. This can induce a state of calm, and even trance in you when you need it.

There are 3 primary ways by which crystals can transform your energy and restore balance.

1. Healing crystals can absorb the negative energies from your body. This leaves much more space for calming, positive thoughts.

2. They can also harness energy from the quantum field and painlessly push them into your body’s energy field. Just like electricity conducts and transfers energies, crystals induce frequencies that resonate with your vibrations.

3. Crystals, by using the same properties, can restore balance and bring harmony to your body, mind, and spirit.


Many believe that the science of healing crystals depends to a large extent on intention and consciousness. It goes above and beyond the concept of time and space and brings harmony to the cosmos. Talking about this would need a separate article altogether. However, one thing is clear: the science of crystal healing, just like everything else, also needs our belief and faith. The inherent energy of the crystals brings the disparate elements of the universe together and restores balance. This is not easy in the modern age and this is why experts such as Dr. Harpawaan Kaur help. With more than eight years of experience in her bag, she is the best spiritual healer in Kolkata. Her methods and suggestions have helped many gain happiness and satisfaction. If you are still in doubt and need further information, book an appointment today!